Now today is a busy day putting the house back together, cooking the 16lb turkey that was still sitting in my fridge and getting back to work on projects. I went to ACE this morning to get started picking out colors for my daughters room. (A pic as a reminder...)

I am having a little trouble because the current wall color and carpet color put off a yellow hue in the room (you can even see it in the pic) and I am trying to avoid this from happening again. I already have a plan for the walls (my little secret) but before I get started I have to find just the right non-yellow creamy color so that you don't look like a fake tan gone wrong when you enter the room! Any colors out there you love?
Last night I also got started on another project, the kitchen table. I want a black pedestal table for our kitchen eating area. I think it will be just the right transition from the kitchen to the family room. But I just didn't want to spend the money on a new one, which pretty much means PROJECT! So I ventured out into the Craig's List world and made my very first Craig's List purchase, a gently used oak pedestal table for $150...such a steal!

If you have ever been nervous to buy something on Craig's List don't be. I was, but this was so easy! I knew what I wanted so I set up a search. I went back to it quickly each morning until just the right thing popped up. I emailed the seller, went and looked at the table, did a little haggling and brought it home a few days later. Easy as that, really!
The plan is to sand it, prime it and paint it black. Now this is all new to me but I have been reading up and I am confident I can take this on. My goal is to have it done by my daughters first birthday party, which only gives me two weeks! So I better get to work!
PS - I will share all the "how to" details of this project so you can do it at home.