So on December 17th, 2010 I welcomed you into my home and set out on a new mission. That mission "is to decorate our home over time in a thrifty, warm and comfy way...and to share the journey with you as I go." Shall we look back and see where the first year has taken us?
My very first post showed off such lovely images as...
...the sun room busting at the seems with boxes - but still sporting a few Christmas decs, may I add. Well, look at it now!
The perfect playroom for my daughter (who turns two next month...eek!) I shared with you the scary white baby room.
Ugh...a little brighter now!!
Since then I have done a little furniture building and refinishing as well...
And a few more rooms have been transformed...
But this is just the beginning. I have enjoyed every moment of the past year - the successes, the do-overs and most of all sharing it with you. Thank you for your support, friendship and motivation. Without you this house would still be white. Cheers to a year well enjoyed and to another year of fun!