Sunday, January 30, 2011

K is for Kylie!

You may ask, what do I do with my Saturday nights?  Usually a family dinner out or plans with friends but this past Saturday night I was at home painting, gluing and really feeling like a kid again as I made this wonderful K for my daughter's door.  Not was fun!

It was super simple to make.  I bought the K at Michaels for less then $5.  Then I picked up some fun ribbon at JoAnn's.  I started with a coat of the same green paint that is on the walls in the room (and on this chair, look they match!) 

Then out came the hot glue gun.  I snipped and trimmed and placed and liked.  No plan, just trial and error (which is how most decorating happens in my life).  A little glue and it was done.  I would never call myself crafty so every time I successfully complete a project like this I surprise myself and probably everyone who has ever known me. 

Side Note: This can also make a great gift!  I made similar ones for my nieces for Christmas to match each of their rooms. 

And now time to use that great hook I picked up at Anthropologie.  Look what a fun impact it makes on my daughter's door.  LOVE IT!

Next weekend we tackle that chair rail.  Wish me luck!