Mondays are always a very busy day for me. I start my day at 5:15am when I jump out of bed (jump out cursing my alarm for waking me up) and stumble out the door to teach a 6am class. (I am a fitness instructor and personal trainer, may have mentioned that before.)
I come back home right after class to collect my little girl and head back out the door to another gym for personal training clients and my own workout. Back at home by noon and it is time for Bean’s nap and two hours of freedom. If you are a mom you are laughing right now because you know that nap time is totally not freedom but instead a daily game of how much can I possibly get done before I hear that first cry from the baby’s room. An hour or so of play time in the afternoon and then back to the gym for more clients.
Every day is not this busy at work but every day is busy…but seeing as Monday is my birthday I was thinking I should try and make it a little special, right? So I have been thinking about what I am going to do for myself. Fly to Tahiti, not sure I would make it back for dinner. Go on a shopping spree, to bad that lottery ticket wasn't a winner. Have everyone wait on me hand and foot, um 16 month old doesn't know how to make breakfast in bed...yet. But what instead? Well, I have come up with 4 things to make my day "my day"...
1. I am going to spend all 2 hours of nap time catching up with all of my favorite bloggers. No dishes, no laundry and no cooking just sitting my butt down in front of the computer and enjoying everyone else’s creativity.
2. I am NOT going to workout, so there! Is it strange that this is my treat?
3. Starbucks here I come! Starbucks has been cut out of my life recently. Why you ask (and some of my friends do ask often)? First of all to save some cash. It adds up people! Also to save some calories. They add up people! But the real reason…to prove to myself that I don’t need it. But on my birthday I DO NEED IT so Starbucks here I come!
4. And finally I am getting my carpets cleaned! I am SO excited about this. I mean it…SO EXCITED! I bought a killer Groupon - $50 for 400 square feet of carpet cleaning. Plus I had $25 in Groupon Bucks so I am spending $25 to have my carpets cleaned. YIPPEE! My husband may come home to me rolling around on the floor basking in my clean carpets. (I'll be sure he takes a picture.)
So that, ladies & gentlemen, is the glorious day that will be my birthday. It is all about aging with grace and caffeine :)