Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm a Busy Little Bee

I feel like it has been eons since I last chatted with yall (it has really only been 4 days) and I don't want anyone to think I am slacking.  Now there may have been a holiday getaway disguised as a girls weekend in Vegas (oh yes I did).  But I promise you, I have been working hard.  As a matter of fact I have several projects in the works right now and since each of them are taking some time I haven't been ready to share anything with you yet.  So to keep you occupied I thought I would give you a sneak peak.

You probably remember these boards that started out looking something like this.

Well, now they are looking like this.

And by the end of the day will hopefully start to resemble a headboard.

I have also been working on a fabric art project.  I can't reveal to much but here are a couple of hints...

By the end of the week both of these projects should be done and ready to share with you!

In the mean time, have any of my SF or LA friends heard of H.D. Buttercup?  I am dying to check it out!  "Furnishing & curiousities for every floor, wall, ceiling and budget!"  San Francisco Magazine describes their furnishings as "high quality pieces that would suit a Pac Heights mansion as easily as a Vermont farmhouse (with) bargains everywhere."  Sounds amazing right!?!?!  If you have been there please share!