I love this room. The bright blue paint is amazingly warm and cozy. The big windows draw in fabulous light. And from the vantage point at my desk I can see the entire neighborhood so I can make sure no riff raff is going on. (In general, we tend to be the riff raff so I'm not certain I am the best one for this job.)
In all it's loveliness there has been one major problem...the spot my rump calls home. Since I refused to put the huge ugly black rolling desk chair in the first room you see when you walk in our front door I did not really have a chair when we set this room up. So I opted for this...
I was doing my regular Craig's List daily browse when there she was, calling to me from De Forest. (Which it turns out is a bit of a hike and even more so when Google Maps leads you the totally wrong direction.) But...hours later she was mine, smiling at me from the Grand Piano Room.
Do you see her smiling?!?! She was even happier when I gave her a throw pillow and a view out the window.
It doesn't take much to make a little chair happy or me for that matter. She was only $40 and in perfect condition! So now when you are reading Mission Decorate you can picture me here, in my new chair, with my great natural light, keeping an eye on the neighborhood.