Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Guess the Epistle

Surprise!  OK well it isn't a surprise any more but it sure was the first time around.  Remember this, the big surprise makeover of the Master Bedroom?!?!  I did it all while my husband was away on a work trip.  I stayed up late into the night painting.  I recruited my neighbor to help me move furniture and when the hubs came home he was definitely surprised. 

A couple months later the bed saw its sad demise (oh you gotta read that story here) which gave me the opportunity to build a brand new headboard.  Oh I so love it! 

A little bit of accessorizing was done with the first makeover but I seem to find that layering takes time.  Although I feel like I have a grand vision when I start on a room, I feel like the good stuff really comes together over time as the space gets used.  So that is what I am working on now.  And the first step is a fun little Pottery Barn inspired project.  I found something similar while flipping through the pages of the latest catalog and I thought, as I often do when cruising the PB pages, I could do that for way less money.

So just like the room was at first a surprise I think this one should be as well.  Actually more then a surprise how about a game...lets play "Guess The Epistle".  (OK so here is the truth, I spent 15 minutes trying to think of a clever name for my game and ended up turning to and Epistle is what they gave me for the word "message".  Ha, I really have no idea what it means!)  

So here is your first hint...

Any guesses?  Does this help...

OK, one more hint...

Do you feel like you are playing Wheel of Fortune?!?!?!?  Well, Vanna is ready for the big reveal...

I simply used the cardboard letters from JoAnn which I know they intend for you to paper mache or paint or cover in some way but I loved the cardboard look and it totally ties into the...oh wait, sorry can't tell you that.  I mean I gotta keep some secrets!!!  Let's just say, it is all coming together (I love being devious!).  And in the mean time all you need to know is that I am...