Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When In Wisconsin...

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Stand up, Badgers, sing!
"Forward" is our driving spirit,
Loyal voices ring.

  ...Ah yes, the ferocious Wisconsin Fight Song.  These Wisconsinites are serious about their football, cheese, beer and hunting.  Prior to moving here I had already welcomed three out of the four into my life: football, cheese & beer.  I mean what true blooded American hasn't.  But hunting, well growing up in Berkeley, CA that sport never quite made its way into my life.  Well, that has all changed. 

I truly feel like it is important to embrace the place you live and at least give all its traditions a try and after a year and a half in Wisconsin hunting was started to be hard to avoid.  So, probably against my better judgement, I agreed to camo up and give it a whirl. 

It has been a very exciting season hunting in Wisconsin.  Due to the mild winter moose have been showing up in the most Northern parts of the state, which is pretty rare for around here.  So I will spare you all the gory details, as I know some of you are not into hunting, but I will say that I got really lucky and managed to get a pretty decent size moose.  And although I am not usually the display animal head type for some reason it is way different when it is your very own trophy.  So ladies & gents let me introduce you to my huge hunting prize...

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!!!!  YOU THOUGHT I REALLY SHOT A MOOSE!!!  ARE YOU CRAZY????I am actually totally terrified of guns and there in no way I could even shoot a squirrel let alone a moose!!!  But hunting is a big deal to many people here in Wisconsin so Fred here is our little tribute to the sport which we will never do.

But isn't he great!  He is from Uncommon Goods (a great website for creative gifts) and he was a little bit of a splurge at $48.00.  But I have had my eye on him for a while and when he wandered through my yard the other day...oh wait never mind, you no longer believe that I shot when I had a little extra cash I snatched him right up. 

And rather then in the back of a pick-up he arrived in a nice little box in a whole bunch of pieces.  But even with directions that had no words, it only took me about 15 minutes to put him together.  He sits right over our bed and will give us a good chuckle every morning. 

And with cardboard Fred and the new cardboard letters I hope you are sensing a theme.  Just one more thing needed to finish my cardboard paradise!  But I will share that with you soon.  In the mean time Fred wanted to give a shout out...