Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All Wrapped Up

Did anyone else see the totally awful show about selling Spelling Manor?  I'm embarrassed to admit I watched it.  But it comes to mind now, as I post about wrapping, because there were 3 "Wrapping Rooms" in that house.  Yes, THREE!  Mrs. Spelling claimed she wrapped over 900 gifts each Christmas.  Totally outrageous! 

Well, I am no professional like she is.  I don't even claim to be good at it.  I seem to lack some of the patience and attention to detail to really do it right, but I did decide to have a little fun with my husband's gift wrapping this year.  I figure even if I'm no good, maybe I can distract him with bright colors and shiny things.  So I played.  Lots of mis-matching ribbon, paper, patterns and ideas.  And it turned out a little crazy and a little good.  Hope you like!

And my "big gift" for my husband this year I actually made!  I can't wait to share it with you once he opens it of course.