As I teased the other day the DIY room is almost painted but there is more in store...stenciling. I was inspired by this amazing stenciling job done by Sherry and Jon over at Young House Love.
But I thought that since I am working in a closed off room that is really meant just for me that I should go bolder. So I searched around Cutting Edge Stencils and found this great Damask pattern...
And then loved this bold color pallet... I decided to go for it. The stencil arrived in the mail a couple of days ago and yesterday I made my way to ACE to select my crazy color scheme. As you know the room is getting a blue / gray base coat so I thought a rich plum purple would be a great combo. And that is exactly what I found, Benjamin Moore Plum Perfect.
So I have a quart of Plum Perfect, a small roller, the stencil, stencil adhesive, a clip-on stencil level (also bought at Cutting Edge Stencils) and the background color is almost complete but now I am scared! I have never stenciled on this scale before. I have watched the how-to video on the Cutting Edge Stencil site and although they make it look easy I still have my doubts. And since I have a strange independent streak I have yet to ask my husband or friends for help. Is that a mistake? Have any of you stenciled a full wall? Is it a two person job? Help!!!