Thursday, April 28, 2011

May Is Time For Play

In addition to painting the dinning room & making my mom's headboard (as if that isn't enough) in May I am going to focus on a new play space for my lucky little girl! 

The former owners of our house added on a wonderful sun room.  We are very lucky to have this additional entertaining and play space.  I think it is the only one like it in the neighborhood.  And with Summer fast approaching it is going to be the perfect spot for a new art and play area for my daughter.  Not to mention that my daughter's most recent obsession is sitting in chairs, which means it is time for a kids sized spot for her to sit.

We really haven't done anything in this room so far.  The fabulous jungle fabric window treatments are still framing the space and the window seat cushions need some new fabric as well.  We have put our outdoor patio furniture in here for the time being.  But despite all of this I do love the room.  It has wonderful light, a cozy fireplace and is a great place to curl up and read a book.  I can only imagine how wonderful it will be once the sun actually comes out!

So my plan is to move this window bench to the other side of the room, opening up this nook for an art area.

Then I am going to look for a fun play mat or rug to soften up the hard tile because she is still a little clumsy on her feet - it is adorable!  I would really prefer a rug but I need something that is easy to clean.
Tadpoles ABC Floor Mats - Green & Brown -  Tadpoles - Toys"R"Us
Next I am going to do my darnedest to find a good deal on a table.  I have been checking them out for a while and just haven't seen the perfect thing at a good price yet.  I have my eyes pealed for a good Target or Toys-R-Us coupon.  I'm also keeping my eye on Craig's List but kids tables don't come up to often. 
White Table and 4 Chair Set - Tot Tutors  - Babies"R"Us
Of course some art supply storage will be necessary as well as stocking up on more crayons, coloring books and maybe even some play dough or finger paints.  (This may be a very bad idea!)  I would also love to find an easel for her but we will see.  In all honesty I think an easel would more then anything just look cute.  She is to young to use it right now, but she will someday so we will see what I find. 

KidKraft Deluxe Wood Easel -  KidKraft - Toys"R"Us
I will also sneak in a few crafty projects myself to personalize the space and make it a toddler friendly spot in an otherwise grown up space.

But here is where I need your help!  All you Mom's out there I would love your input on great furniture you have bought (or not so great furniture), craft storage and flooring ideas.  Please help me out by commenting below or emailing me at