Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Plate Wall...You Make Me Hungry!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE the wall stencil in my DIY room?!?!?  But with that said it did need a little something to break it up.  To much purple damask is just to much purple damask!  So I came up with a frugal solution...

I have been wanting to do a plate wall for awhile.  I was initially planning on adding it to the dining room (which still has paint samples on the wall from months ago...shhhhh) but there may have been mentions of "granny decor" from the male in the household.  Now let me first say that I agree, acient flowery china on the wall can be a little gray haired walkerish but this age old tradition has been updated as of late and is popping up everywhere!

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Oh, and I couldn't not show you this one.  It is insane!  I just hope they don't have an earthquake!

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(From here, here and here)

So granny plates are back ladies and gentlemen but they are updated, new and farmhouse chic!  But back to my plate wall...

I have been collecting these plates over time.  One is from Anthroplogie (my big $16 splurge), 2 are from World Market (I think around $4 each), 2 are from Goodwill (a whopping 69 cents a pop), 1 is from Target (on sale for $3) and the last one is from Marshall's ($2.99).

Rather then using plate hangers, which I recommend if you plan on eating off the plates at some point, I used wire hangers.  You know, those hooks that you attach to the back of a frame and then string a piece of hanging wire between.  I hot glued them to the back of the plates and let them dry overnight.  Then simply hung them on nails in a random somewhat pre-determined pattern.

I think the white does a lovely job of breaking up the purple.  Don't you think???

P.S. Check out my great new lamp from Target...on sale of course!  I love her!

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