Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Nursery is COMPLETE!

HOORAY!!!  It is finally here...the COMPLETE nursery post!  It has been a process and I appreciate you following me along the way.  I am thrilled, proud, relieved and giddy to finally say my daughter's room is DONE (yes, that gets caps, italics and bold). 

I have shown you pieces of the project along the way like here and here.  And now is my chance to show you all the details as they have come together.  Warning: Lots of pictures to follow!

As you know, the original inspiration for this room came from Thrifty Decor ChickShe used similar stripes in her son's room and I loved them!  I followed her lead (and instructions) and they came out GREAT!

I varied the colors and size of the stripes to create this wonderful effect.  Check out the links above if you want the DIY details!

The display shelf was my husbands idea!  (Yes, my husband knows what a display shelf is.  He probably would have called it a "shelf for stuff we don't want Bean to reach" but he has the idea right!)  I used a simple piece of wood, added a little paint, a couple of Anthropologie brackets and our "stuff we don't want Bean to reach shelf" was done!

The "K" on the door was a Saturday night I'm a looser and have no plans tonight project.  I love how it turned out but unfortunately every time I see it I am reminded of the above mentioned Saturday night dilemma.  Oh well, I am a mom and am allowed to be a looser once in awhile!

The curtains where made by yours truly.  Yes, that is me...the one who is still proud of herself for this accomplishment.

* Um, reusing this pic.  The chair rail is done, but wasn't when I took this :) *

We added a chalkboard wall. (Yes, again a brilliant husband idea.  Sheesh, I am starting to think he should be writing this blog instead of me!)  Which will be the perfect art area for our little one as soon as she figures out chalk is for drawing not eating. 

And the latest addition was this simple art wall hanging above the chalkboard.  I pulled this together for a couple of dollars and in a couple of minutes.  Ribbon, clothes pins, pictures, a couple of nails and my favorite part of the room was created!

A few more shots for your viewing pleasure and then this room is a WRAP!  Or a RAP.  Whichever you feel is appropriate!



  1. Absolutely Darling! Great job!

  2. It looks adorable! It captured my heart as soon as I saw the polka dot curtains! I am obsessed with polka dots.

    Oh, and not too many pictures at all. I want to see more of that fun blue pattern. Is that a boppy?

  3. Autumn - the blue paisley is an elephant shaped pillow! It is from www.giggle.com. It was a gift. Not a splurge I would usually make but I LOVE IT!

  4. LOVE this! We actually sell the polka dotted fabric where I work (fabric store) and I have been eyeing it for a while for my girls' room. :) You did a great job of tying all of the pinks and greens together! And I love the chalkboard wall.. Just awesome.
