Check out the little dragonflies!
Wasn't totally sure what I was going to do with them but at $1.50 a piece I was sure I could find something. And today I found my something!
Let me first say that this is a very risky project for me. I have a black thumb, not a green thumb but that thumb that over waters / forgets to water / over exposes / under exposes / and basically causes all plants to curl up and die.
I desperately wish I was different. I have fantasies of spending blissful time creating a beautiful garden. Growing my own vegetables and herbs. Planting wonderful colors that attract butterflies. Having citrus trees and making fresh squeezed juice. (In addition to talent, this would also require about 10 more hours in the day.) However in all reality potting a few simple house plants is a risk for me, but I did it anyways.
The Bean and I packed up in the stroller and walked over to the local nursery. They specialize in orchids so it is a treat just to walk around the endless greenhouses. With a little guidance we selected some hardy and easy to grow (read: not kill) indoor plants. We strolled back home and got to work. We filled the now planters with potting soil and planted my new friends.
After watering them I decided it was best to leave them outside for a while. Even though they look great as planters the metal boxes where not necessarily built for soil so I thought I would leave them outside until I was certain they wouldn't leak all over the place. And in the mean time we mowed the lawn.
Once I was confident the planters wouldn't leak I brought them inside and now they are in their happy new home...the mantle in the sun room.
Don't they look fabulous! Now all I have to do is keep them alive. I promise I will do my best but good luck little friends, good luck!
Awesome find from GW, and perfect for summer time. They are perfect for flowers for sure. Visiting from Elements Interiors, thanks for sharing!