Friday, September 9, 2011

2 Hours at a Time

One of the questions I get most often is "how do you have time to do all these projects?"  Well here is my answer...2 hours at a time.  I work 15 hours a week as well as take care of my 19 month old daughter full time but every day I have two magic hours when my daughter is napping that I dedicate to Mission Decorate.  That includes writing, reading, planning and doing.  And those two hours are also shared with laundry, dishes, and all the other joys of being a stay at home mom.  But just as my original mission states...My mission, which I guess I have chosen to accept, is to decorate our home over time in a thrifty, warm and comfy way...and to share the journey with you as I go. That "over time" thing is what keeps me sane!  I am not just trying to throw projects together that entertain my wonderful readers.  No, I am trying to create a home over time that my family loves to live in. 

So today during those magic two hours I put in 20 minutes of work on my current project.  In 20 minutes I managed to put the first coat of paint on the bedside table and took it from this...

to this...

If I put in 20 more minutes of work tomorrow I may finish this project up!  So why am I telling you this?  Because I know you are all just as busy as I am but that does not mean your passion has to be put on the back burner.  Even if it is done 2 hours at a time or 20 minutes at a time, spending just a few minutes a day doing something I love makes me a better mom, wife, friend and person!  So don't be afraid to take on a new project just take it one step at a time. 

And in the spirit of saving time here is a great dinner idea that can be ready in 5 minutes...

Yup, I made that in 5 minutes.  It is quick brown rice (90 seconds in the microwave) topped with a can of Southwest Vegetable Low Sodium Soup with some added chicken (left over from last night) and black beans.  Protein, veggies and grains and it is really yummy! 

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