You have no idea how happy I am to say the next 4 little words...the stencil is DONE! I only wish I would have logged the hours I have put into this project (or gotten paid for them!) but in the end it looks amazing and was worth the blood, sweat and tears.
OK so there was no blood, no tears but a heck of a lot of sweat. I have stenciled before (here), but this particular stencil was a lot more time consuming. At some points I was even free-handing with an itty bitty artists brush.
Why was this one so hard? Hmmmm, I'm not sure. The main wall sections went on easily. I did that all in a few hours. I think the hold up was the edges. Cutting Edge Stencils (which I highly recommend) gives you an edging stencil which worked well for the tops and bottoms. But because the pattern was detailed with small openings I had to use a small brush which was a total pain. And also the edging stencil didn't work for the side edges so I had to suspend the big stencil awkwardly up on the wall begging it not to move while I quickly outlined the shape. Then I would move it away and fill it in free-hand with the small brush. Ugg, it sucked. But let me show you one more picture just to remind you (and me) that it was all worth it.
If you want more details on how to stencil yourself (if I haven't totally scared you off) just read this post I did a while back on How To Stencil.
Now the painting is not totally done. The ceiling is a trace ceiling and the top level is white and will stay that way, but the second level is cream and that has got to go! So about one more hour of painting and this project will almost be done. Almost because I have a couple of other things I am working on and can't wait to share with you. But we are in the home stretch here baby! I can't wait to check this one off the list.
And look at the cool effect the mirror wall creates. It is finally doing something good for me!
P.S. As I type a gentleman is measuring the main floor for new carpet...what?!?!? Just getting a quote here people. No final decisions made.
Great job! The mirror reflection is superb!