Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fabric Makes Great Art

First of all, sorry I have been MIA this week.  I was ambushed by that nasty cold that is going around.  But 4 days in bed and I am back in action with a bunch of new projects on deck.  And I just finished one 10 minutes ago...

So you have seen this fabric in a few of my earlier posts.  Well, it is time to put it to use.

This is the easiest project in the world and really thrifty too!  Fabric canvas have probably seen it done before but let me break down the simple steps for you here. Start out by strolling through your local craft or fabric store (this is the fun part).  Pick out a couple of fabrics that inspire you.  To make the size art I did you will need 1/2 a yard of each fabric.  So we are talking $10 investment so far.  Then head to the art isle and pick out 4 canvas boards.  I used 10x10 boards.  About $6 each.   

Simply lay the board down on the fabric and cut squares about an inch larger then the canvas on each side.  No exact measurements needed.
Grab your iron and quickly iron each piece of fabric using the "dry" setting.  Then lay the board on the fabric and start wrapping it and stapling it like a present.  (You will need a staple gun here.)

Easy enough...right!  It really is that simple.  And the grand total for all 4 art pieces was $34!  That is $8.50 per piece.  Seriously!  $8.50!  You can barely buy Starbucks for that much!

Now please ignore the top right canvas.  I ran out of staples with 6 left to go. Grrrrr!  That is what I get for thinking "I wont have to come back here for a while" as I was walking out of JoAnn's this morning.  So one more trip to the store and the project is done. 

Now I will reveal more details as the week goes on, but this is all part of a bigger project I have in the mix.  But the project is top secret!  Hehehehe I love the suspense!  You will just have to wait and see!

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