Allison Patrick and Zipper8Lighting! Allison is an amazing artist and has channeled her wonderful talent into lighting. Just look at some of these works of art...
The above is made of book pages. And the next pendant is made from cocktail umbrellas!
And my favorite is made out of cut outs of flower pics from magazines. Are you kidding me???!!!
But before I go any further let me introduce you to Allison...Allison lives and works in New York City with her dachshund puppy Basel. After graduating with a Master of Architecture she decided to focus more on her crafty side (which we love!), and that's when she started making and selling lights. She loves being creative, and just can't imagine life without her glue gun and fun materials to work with.
Zipper8Lighting will be hanging out on the Mission Decorate sidebar for the month of August so click the link and go visit Allison and her amazing art!
This one is a table lamp made out of coffee filters...
And wait, one more made out of plastic bags!
Beautiful work Allison. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Side Note: I just had to edit down the amount of exclamation points in this post!!!!!! Oopps, just made up for all the ones I cut out.
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