I love this lamp because it was a true diamond in the rough. It started out looking like this...
Ugly, huh?!?! Really at this stage the best thing about it was the price. $2.50 at a local thrift store. But it was the right size and at that price worth trying to make it pretty.
It went straight to the garage and I went straight to my spray paint collection. Which by the way my husband says is totally out of control. Honestly, I feel like it is just getting started!
I grabbed a can of off white and got to spraying. Continuously moving the can and applying thin, even coats.
After letting it dry overnight I took some sand paper to it, roughing up a few spots here and there so the gold finish came through.
Then I picked up a lamp shade at Target and put it all together. I found a light bulb and kept my fingers crossed that the lamp actually worked. Probably something to test out before you go to all the trouble of painting it, but we all know I like to live on the edge. But lucky me, it worked!
When it all came together I liked it even more then I thought I would. Always nice when that happens. Pretty proud of my $2.50 find!
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