Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stripes Are Complete!

A few small setbacks but the stripes are done!

And of course another HUGE shout out to Thrifty Decor Chick and her brilliant inspiration room!

I will admit taping was frustrating and time consuming, but once I got a system down the pace picked up.  I spent about 2 1/2 hours getting all the tape right. 

I was excited because I had talked my husband into helping me put the pant on the walls.  I figure we each have a roller and one color green and the job is done in minutes, the perfect plan!  We got the rollers, paint tins, drop cloth all set up and ready to go, opened the paint, which had been in the garage for a couple of weeks and it was FROZEN! And not just a little goopy, it was a solid block.  Didn't see that one coming!

So plans were on hold for a bit. I suggested microwaving the paint but that idea was shot down (just kidding...DON'T TRY THIS!)  But eventually the paint thawed and we were back up and running.  The cream colored stripes are the color that was already on the wall.  Utilizing the existing paint was a huge time saver.  I put a cream stripe in between each green stripe so I didn't have to paint any back to back stripes, which involves waiting for the paint to dry and retaping...yuck.  All the cream stripes are 4 inches wide.  The green stripes randomly alternate between 4, 5 & 6 inches in width.  The chair rail is measured to go in at 32" from the top of the base board so this is where I stopped painting.  The greens I used are Benjamin Moore Pear Green & Wales Green.  The existing cream matches Benjamin Moore Mannequin Cream almost exactly, just in case you aren't lucky enough to start with a color you can use.  I didn't even use half a quart of each color green so no need to buy any more then a quart.  Oh and the Frog Tape worked like a charm.  Worth the extra $ for sure! 

So next step is to put up the chair rail.  We have a gigantic hardware store chain here in Madison called Menards.  Actually "hardware store" barely does it justice.  It is the monster version of Home Depot.  Yes, BIGGER than Home Depot.  For the most part I stick to my local ACE Hardware.  Much less intimidating and I have gotten to know the guys who work there so they are extra helpful.  But for some things, like molding, you have to go to the bigger stores.  Anyways, I was in Menards picking up some final painting supplies and stopped by the molding section to see my options, simple enough. Wrong!  Menards has 8 isles of molding and they all look like this (sorry for the blurry pic, my cell phone camera has had a few run in with the floor, thanks to my lovely daughter)...

I was thinking I would have to decide between 4 or 5 options, not 200!  EEK!  So I guess my plan is to do a little research...unfinished, primed, finished, oak, cedar....you get the idea.  This will hopefully help me narrow down my options and then I can go back and tackle all 8 isels of molding like a pro.  

Oh and one other fun addition to the room!  My husband suggested we put chalk board pant on the area behind the door to help create a baby art wall.  Gotta love a man full of good ideas!  So as soon as I can find black chalk board pant (been to two places and they are out of black and only have green, but third store will be the charm) we will get that up on the wall.

I am slowly getting closer to having one room in my house complete! YIPPEE!